Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Nothing to Lose But Weight

I am the “other” Pink Drink Lady, my name is Jackie. I have been on a weight loss roller coaster all of my life. I promised myself every time I achieved my desired weight I would never put it on again. During the past 10 years I have allowed myself to gain 80 pounds. They are those creepy, sneaky pounds. One day I am a size 10, fast forward 6 months I am 4 pounds heavier, no big deal. Repeat this scene over and over and those 4 pounds multiply to 80 pounds. Before I wanted to lose weight so I could look nice in my jeans, now I want to lose weight to maintain my health.

I am 55 years old, 80 pounds over weight and have NO medical problems. (I do have good genes, but that is only 50% of it.) I know if I do not lose weight it will only be a matter of time before I have diabetes, high blood pressure and more.

I have tried everything. Earlier this year I had the fresh gourmet meals delivered to my home. However, the key to this diet plan is, YOU HAVE TO EAT IT! They were delicious and gave me a much needed lesson in portion control. At the end of the day, just about every day, it seems the mashed potatoes with roast beef and gravy always won over the Thai turkey tenderloin and the Blue Crab Ravioli Soup never had a chance against southern fried chicken and biscuits. Another pitfall for me, cooking for a family and dieting at the same time.

When Tammy told me about the “Pink Drink”, I knew I had to try it. It has been two weeks and I have lost 7 pounds. What I really like about Plexus Slim is the fact that it cuts my appetite. This lets me enjoy the foods I like, I just don’t eat as much. It also helps me control what I call my “greed eating”. Although not hungry, my “greed eating” is what makes me have dessert and coffee after a meal. I just hope Plexus Slim continues to help me control my appetite.

I invite everyone to follow our weight loss journey. We will be sharing our journey, as well as our recipes.


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