Monday, July 4, 2011

Independence Day.  This can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
In the United States it is a celebration observed every July 4th commemorate our adoption of the Declaration of Independence and our freedom from the Kingdom of Great Britain in 1776.
In Mexico they celebrate their Independence Day on September 16th, the same day in 1810 that the movement began by the people of Mexico to free themselves from Spain.
"Independence Day" to some is a song that helps them relate to the day they broke free from an abusive relationship, to others it is a movie that Will Smith saves our freedom from aliens.
I have been overweight most of my life and have let my emotions and food control me.  I am sure there are plenty of you out there that can understand the vicious cycle, the roller coaster...the good, the bad and the ugly of it all.
I tried the diets, the shakes, the soups, the pills, the name it.  I felt confused, hungry, cheated and frustrated.  I decided that I would try to go au no that's not what I mean.  I was gonna do it on my own, the natural way.  I read books about nutrition, dieting and weight loss.  I learned that portion control and healthy food choices are the way to go but I could never seem to do that on my own.  Also I have always had a sweet tooth, sometimes choosing sweets over meals.  Immediately after every meal I HAD to have something sweet which I learned triggered heartburn from the fiery pits of hell.
Independence Day represents more than one day for me.  Everyday of my life I feel like I gain a little more independence, independence over my health and food choices.  I decided about 2 1/2 months ago that I needed to do something to get healthier and I did.  I decided to try Plexus Slim and it has helped me to change my eating habits and life.  It is the easiest thing I have ever tried.  It helps me gain control over my food cravings and choices.  I no longer crave sweets like I did before and food satisfies me faster than before.  For the first 2 1/2 months I only changed how much I ate not what I ate and did not even exercise and I shed 20 pounds.
Now let's get real here.  Can Plexus Slim do it all?  Well no it can't.  You have to want to do it.  You have to have the desire to get healthy and commit to a lifestyle change.  For me Plexus Slim was just the thing to help me commit to healthier eating habits and smart choices.  I do treat myself from time to time, but now I know when to quit and am satisfied with smaller portions of my favorite foods.
I am making small, slow changes that will ultimately help me lose weight the all-natural, safe way.  Little changes like committing toMeatless Mondays, staying away from products with aspartame and artificial sweetners, drinking more water and trying to eat before 7:30 p.m. whenever possible.  My walking and bicycling was cut short due to my new sciatica issue but I plan on getting back on track as soon as possible.
Also who knew there was so much to gain by losing.  Becoming a Plexus Slim Ambassador has also helped me gain more financial independence as well.  If you have any questions or comments, or you just want to share your experiences or success stories please feel free to do so.
I hope everyone out there has a wonderful Independence Day no matter how or why you celebrate it.


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