Monday, July 11, 2011

Why Do I Do The Things I Do? I Know Better!

I often wonder why I do the things I do, especially when food in involved.  I call it being “greedy”, although I don’t think that is it at all.

When did I start over eating?  Was it the way I was raised?  I still remember my mother telling me, “Eat all of your food.  You know there are hungry children all over the world.”   It took me years to realize that “cleaning my plate” or the lack thereof would do absolutely nothing to help those hungry children.  The cafeteria at school would reward the children who had “cleaned their plates” and punish the ones who did not.

I want to be thinner, I want to remain healthy.  I want to change my eating habits.  That is why I take Plexus Slim.  When I weighed myself on June 27 (I weigh once a week on a Monday), I had lost 18 pounds.  Certainly by July 4, the following Monday, it would be time for my reveal.  Independence Day, how perfect.
I wish I could explain how last week unfolded.  It is still just a blur.

Maybe I should explain that my husband and I flew to Dallas to visit my daughter/son-in-law and attend Kaboom Town.  We left Saturday, July 2 and spent the week.  I actually felt I could fit into the seat of a plane and be comfortable again.  Clearly this was a good sign.

We arrived at lunch time and my daughter took us to, what she considered, the best barbecue place in town.  Well, why take my little pink drink, I wanted to eat the ribs, chicken and potatoes.  Besides, I would take the Plexus Slim before dinner.  One thing lead to another and I completely forgot to take the Plexus Slim before we went off to the comedy show and a dinner in Fort Worth.

And so the theme for the week was set.  There was Mexican food, margaritas, steaks, burgers, hot dogs, stuffed peppers wrapped in bacon, (it was the 4th of July, for crying out loud) margaritas, Thai food, Mexican food again,  did I mention margaritas and more ribs.  Oh, and the pizza and beer.  Needless to say, I never consumed Plexus Slim the entire week.  It brought back memories of those expensive meals I ordered and didn’t consume.

Monday, July 11, weigh in.  I only gained a pound and a half.  Yea!  It had to be due to all the walking we did.

I still cannot believe I did what I did, as far as the eating.  Why didn’t I take the Plexus Slim?  Was it greed?  Do I really like to over eat?  What exactly is my problem?

I am now back on the right tract, drinking my little pink drink.
I really do look and feel better, even if I gained a pound and a half.  I checked myself out in the mirror this morning.  I actually have a waist beginning to form.

Why did I do the things I did last week?  I don't know.

My reveal pictures will be posted on Friday.  Clearly, I look so much better than before, even considering the past week.


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